Saturday, March 13, 2021

Well again I have been a slacker about this blog. 
 Just a few days after I wrote the last post my internet ,phone and TV services were blasted out by an ice storm. 
 Took over a week to get services back.
 I however did not loose my heat as 120 thousand others did. 
 I did have a slew of wires in my front yard. As it tuns out they were in deed our internet service. Calling the power company when they dropped then the internet company while I had services at 1 am but of course they were to busy to care.
 No trees or wires on my house or cars so your good.
 My next door neighbor was out until just a few days ago.
   I have a cousin in North Carolina and they had a twister rip through there city 2 days after our storm. Still have no contact with her.
 Go out and see your friends the world ,eat good food and enjoy your time. It's very short. 
This year has been total shit
 Jan 2020 Pandemic
 June 2020 my Husband passed away from cancer.
 Sept fire tore through the city right up to my city line ash fell over me for weeks .
level 2 evac for two weeks .
 Feb 2021 Ice storm. 
Wow I don't wonder why I am a bit Depressed.
 Well off to work and get rid of stuff before I die, it burns or crushed be a tree or two. ,
Oh yea I lost all three of my trees in the storm.
 My yard is now a sunny yard. 
Neighbors still have one half of there tree the half that did not fall into my yard leaning toward there house and a tree cutter can not get to any of us until march the 27 . Yeah Enjoy the videos

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Tiny Kitchen Space

Small spaces and dishware I have a small kitchen not as small as some but pretty tiny. Space saving is a must in a small kitchen Use your walls and cabinets to hang as much as you can. I pack allot of stuff into a small space.
Next cleaning : Soap and water does the trick, on corelle but sometimes this dishware will stain. Kleen king best total cleaner I have ever found. Cleans your dishware without harm or much work. Also cleans porcelain like a champ, sinks , toilets , copper ,stainless and steal fixtures. Unfortunately I can no longer get it in my area but you can order it on line. Be sure to use under my cabinets.all your space by going under and vertical. my less used spices

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Blog and The Pandemic

My blog may seem silly and boring to most of you. This blog was a way to keep me busy while being isolated. Seems the rest of the world with the pandemic has also become isolated. I suffer from boy in bubble syndrome. No immune system ,missing A1 and A3 immunegobblins. So for the last 40 years I have worn a mask to do almost everything. Stay away from people ,large gatherings and the sick. So I would have to say welcome to my world. Sorry for all of you going nuts stuck with the kids or that partner you thought you loved. Try some of my crazy crafts and recipes to keep yourself busy. They say we should be back to normal by next fall . That’s still a long way off my friends.


This year i have failed to blog or tweet or much of anything. I lost my partner and have been in morning. I promise to update and stay in touch. 2021 must be better

Sunday, April 7, 2019



Wrap yarn around cardboard 20 times. 
Thread tapestry needle with 12″ of yarn and tie top of tassel snugly. 
Remove needle, leaving tie to attach to work.
Cut ends of yarn and remove from cardboard. 
Thread tapestry needle with 18″ of yarn and wrap around tassel 6–10 times, snugly. ... 
Trim tassel ends evenly.
Attach to work.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

ZONE 9 - 11

Kindest Cuts: Now, in January, in warmer zones (8 and up), it’s time to start to prune roses. Anytime during the month will work, but the middle to latter part of the month or early February is the preferred time (I usually do mine on Superbowl Sunday!). Grab very clean, very sharp pruners and begin by cutting away any dead branches or those that are thinner than a pencil. Next, thin out the center to encourage air circulation, and finally cut back remaining stems by about 1/3 of the length to an outfacing bud. Feed and mulch!(This is Grace N’ Grit™ Pink BiColor Shrub Rose

Monrovia - Horticultural Craftsman since 1926


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Garden Update August 2018

Well another month passes and we are starting the harvest season in the garden.
The first harvest is pictured for the first of August.

 The potatoes and rhubarb are coming along and the bush beans have taken off like rockets.
Beets and radish second harvest have just been started and this week I'm going to try to wrangle rose propagation.
Have a wonderful August
Oh yes the hot house is coming along nice in the rebuild.

WE also bought a 20 dollars grafted plum tree.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Garden update 2018 july Greenhouse

Revamping the old greenhouse to have a real base and walls not falling over.
So hubby has also started on the new greenhouse July 2018
Sort of 3 sides are level and on the ground. It's a good start.

Back box garden update July 2018

These are the other boxes all the same size except the front 3 .
The little boxes are for aspargrass ,horseradish and strawberries.
The rocks are set part way up and then i need to finish the borders in stones.
Well my hubby does. I water weed ,feed and harvest.
He does the rest and has thrown his back out again.
So besides being 100 degrees he needs to rest for a few weeks.
This yard will take a few years to do between the two of us.
So here's the other boxes.
Lemon cucumbers and a ghost pepper in the one box and red Pontiac potatoes in the other.

Still another 40 feet to go but I will have fresh vegies this year and tons to share

Garden Update july 2018

Well we have finished the next large box and 3 smaller boxes.
They are built with cinder blocks re-bar and tamped with sandy soil and sealer inside the stones to hold them in place.
The tomatoes have  gone wild .
They are out of control and filled with lots of green tomatoes 
Also in this box .
There is 1 zucchini two cucumbers and an artichoke at at the end in the first box.
Box size 14 x 4 feet 

The other box has bush beans beets and that wondering large plant is a type of accorn squash.
It's turned hot here in the Salem valley and things have taken off  in full speed.
Yesterday i brought in 2 good size zucchini squash and there are 10 more on my 1 plant.
Pictures as of this am .

Saturday, June 16, 2018

June 16 2018 Garden Update

Rock is going in and the finish work should start soon.
The next big 12 x 4 foot stone box is going in sometime this week.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Vegatable garden build update.

Were back again to update the vegetable garden build.
There are a few more stone boxes built and land cleared.
The big boxes are 12 x 5 feet in size and the small box is 4 x 3 feet.
Hubby has put tons of work into these with building and re-bar enforcing.
All so my butt can sit and garden.

Rosemary June 2018

This is the rosemary and pineapple sage plants both bought in tiny 4 inch pots 3 weeks ago. Still unsure where to put them this year.

Botanical Name
Rosmarinus officinalis

Plant Type Herb
Sun Exposure Full Sun
Soil Type Loamy, Sandy
Flower Color Blue
Hardiness Zones 6, 7, 8, 9
For a head start, plant the seeds or cuttings indoors 8 to 10 weeks before the last spring frost. See your local frost dates.
Plant the seeds/cuttings in well-drained soil. For best growth, the soil should be around 70ºF.
Be sure to give your plants enough room to grow. Rosemary grows to about 4 feet tall and spreads about 4 feet as well.
In the garden, plant near beans, cabbage, carrots, and sage. Learn more about companion planting with herbs.
Both are in 2 gallon pots now.

The tomatoes 2018

These are my two tomatoes for this year 2018
They are 3 weeks in the dirt now and were 4 inch pots when I bought them.
I have one each twined together.
They pollinate each other and we get big super sweet tomatoes.

Early Girl Tomato
Light: Full sun
Fruit size: 6 to 8 oz
Matures: 50 days after planting
Spacing: 36 inches apart
Plant size: 6 to 8 feet
Plant type: Indeterminate

Big Boy Tomato
Light: Full sun
Fruit size: 16 to 32 oz
Matures: 78 days after planting
Plant size: 6 to 10 feet
Spacing: 36 inches apart
Plant type: Indeterminate